
Why sharing “About You” can help your business – Halifax social media

People like to do business with people they like. If you are using social media for your business in Halifax, and elsewhere, sharing some things about you and your business can help others see you in a better light. It can create some "Like" and opportunity for your business. We want to do business where we [...]

By |2014-12-06T12:39:35-04:00November 24th, 2014|Business, Social Media Training|Comments Off on Why sharing “About You” can help your business – Halifax social media

Does Your Up Selling Make Sense To Your Customers?

Up selling is part of most businesses these days. But does your up selling make sense to your customers? This morning I went to get my coffee at the Elmsdale MacDonald's. They have great coffee there and the staff are usually friendly. It's a great way for me to start my social media training off. [...]

By |2017-03-16T15:42:38-03:00November 8th, 2011|Business|1 Comment

The Art Of Unselling

Suggesting a choice to a customer before they have a chance to speak can cost you business. At the very least it shows that you are not listening. I went for my coffee and muffin this morning and I was greeted with the question, "Would I like to cool down with a cool smoothie this [...]

By |2017-03-16T15:09:34-03:00August 2nd, 2011|Business|Comments Off on The Art Of Unselling

Who Is Your Customer?

As a business, you should know who your customers are. This will help you connect and market effectively to them. You should have a good idea of what they like. It will help you understand how to best to get their attention. Have you given much thought to this lately? One of the great things [...]

By |2017-03-15T17:09:23-03:00December 9th, 2010|Business|Comments Off on Who Is Your Customer?
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